
Your personal data

Sanocon AB (Sanocon) knows how important privacy is to our customers and website visitors, and our goal with this policy is to clearly and transparently describe to you how we collect, use, display, transfer and store your information so that you feel confident that your personal data is in safe custody. Sanocon carries out all handling of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and GDPR. Sanocon is the personal data controller for the processing of personal data submitted on our website, received via e-mail, post and via telephone calls. Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a living natural person. This applies, for example, to name, social security number, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Sanocon collects personal data in several ways, but primarily directly from you. We collect personal data from you when you contact us, for example by phone or email. In the first place, we collect the personal data that is needed in order for us to be able to perform the service you order from us, or to be able to follow up on the work we performed for you.

Information collected from someone other than you

When booking and when contacting us on various matters, it happens that a person provides personal data about one or more other people. For example, it could be a relative who orders a service from us on your behalf. We assume that the person providing this information has everyone's consent to provide this personal data. In order to perform a service or to keep your personal data up-to-date and correct, we supplement and update your personal data by obtaining it from public registers. This applies, for example, to address details, social security number and property designation for issuing inspection reports.

Sanocon processes your personal data legally

It may happen that the same personal data is processed on the basis of the fulfillment of a service performed, specifically by consent or on the basis that the data is necessary to fulfill other legal obligations. In essence, we process your data to fulfill an agreement to which you are a party, for example an invoice. Customer care We use your personal data to be able to provide you with service if you contact us with questions, comments or e.g. complaints. We use your name, address, telephone number or property designation to be able to identify you and the service we performed for you. We use your contact details, such as telephone number, address and e-mail address, to be able to contact you with questions and matters.

Dispatch of information

When you have ordered a service from us, we use your personal data to notify you of a booking confirmation, important information regarding your ordered service and offers linked to the ordered service. Marketing and personalization Customer information may be used in a marketing context by Sanocon in connection with specific offers regarding our services to contact you by post, e-mail or telephone. By using this information, we can provide you with offers that we believe you will be interested in and benefit from.

Storage times

Sanocon for good practice in the industry. We save your personal data as long as it is required for the purpose of the processing. We save all the personal data we collect in our customer database. The same personal data can be stored in several different places for different purposes. This may mean that data that is removed from a system because it is no longer necessary may remain in another system where it is stored with the support of consent or for another purpose where the personal data is still needed. An example of this is the archiving of inspection records of carried out tank inspections.

Disclosure of personal data

We use a number of different IT services and systems for our operations. In some of these, personal data is stored and handled. We are concerned about your privacy and the security of your data in all such handling. Some systems are installed locally with us and only our staff have access to the data. In these cases, no transfer to third parties takes place. However, some systems are installed with the supplier or cloud services and mean that we transfer personal data to the supplier. In these cases, the supplier is our personal data assistant and handles the data on our behalf and according to our instructions.

Your rights

Personal data processing that is necessary for us to be able to fulfill an agreement with you, or for us to be able to fulfill a legal obligation, is permitted without consent. However, in order for us to be able to collect and process your personal data for any other purpose, you must consent to the processing. You consent to the handling of your data in connection with ordering a service from us. You can choose to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by email: es.no1726282933conas1726282933@ofni1726282933 Om du återkallar ditt samtycke kommer vi att radera de personuppgifter och upphöra med den behandling som omfattades av samtycket. Det kan förekomma att samma personuppgift behandlas både med stöd av samtycke och med stöd av att uppgiften är nödvändig eller med stöd av andra regler. Det innebär att även om du återkallar ditt samtycke och den behandling som grundas på samtycket upphör, kan personuppgiften ändå finnas kvar hos oss för andra ändamål. Du har rätt att begära att uppgifterna om dig skall raderas, kompletteras eller rättas. Du har också rätt att begära att behandlingen av dina personuppgifter begränsas till vissa ändamål och till exempel inte används för direktreklam om våra tjänster och erbjudanden.

The register extract is provided on request.

If you want information about what data we have registered about you, you can apply for this in writing at the address: Sanocon AB, Sodomvägen 13, 697 74 Sköllersta or via e-mail: es.no1726282933conas1726282933@ofni1726282933

If you believe that Sanocon is in breach of PUL, GDPR or other privacy legislation, you can contact the Swedish Data Protection Authority.